Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) Training

November 6-13, 2024- Near Amsterdam, Netherlands

In this 5-day course you will learn to integrate sustainability into your organization's strategy and operations. You will have a broad, in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of current laws and regulations, challenges, and sustainability risks.

35% of large firms in the EU has already appointed a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)!

Chief Sustainability Officers (CSO) are increasingly being appointed in companies to strategically define and embed/implement sustainability in their organisation. In Europe, 35% of all corporates has already appointed a CSO. As Chief Sustainability Officer, you are responsible for integrating sustainability into your organisation's strategy and operations. For this, you need broad, in-depth and up-to-date knowledge to interweave sustainability in your company's strategy and translate your strategy into working action plans.

A sustainable organization is not only a choice but also a must

An overwhelming number of laws and regulations and an enormous social pressure make integrating sustainability into your overall strategy and business operations both desirable and inevitable. For example, investors will increasingly want to do business with sustainable companies. How do you ensure that people and planet are also embedded in your company?

Climate change is recognized as one of the greatest business risks worldwide. The energy transition is also an important development that your organization can't ignore. What are the effects of circular thinking on the supply chain, the production process, marketing, and your customers? Are there opportunities for your company as well?

The launch of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) by the European Commission is of great importance and leads to regulations that align sustainability reporting with financial reporting. Financial and non-financial reports are therefore given equal value. From the financial year 2024, large companies must - among other things - measure and report their climate impact and from 2027, the EU will also make this mandatory for large SMEs. If you fail to do so, you risk that your annual report will not receive assurance. However, ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) reporting is still in full development. A (future) vision when drawing up and/or checking ESG reports is therefore very important!

Sustainable finance means sustainable investment in or sustainable financing of companies. What does this mean for raising capital? For example, issuing 'green bonds' can be financially (and in terms of reputation) attractive for your organisation.

To adequately embed sustainability risks in your organisation's risk management, you must have a system for data collection. After all, consistent and reliable data are crucial, also for reporting purposes. In short, how do you develop data-driven ESG management for your company?

Sustainability is not just about the environment. The S (Social) of ESG, such as social inequality, diversity, safe working conditions, etc., is also an important element within sustainability. How do you deal with the social responsibility/impact of your company?

Most European economies must be fully circular by 2050 (Green Deal). There still is a lot to do to realize the transformation to a circular economy. Which standards should you take into account on your way to a circular economy and how do you translate these to your stakeholders? Technological innovation (recycling, hydrogen, etc.), but also legislation, cause changes in cost prices and therefore market dynamics. What are the consequences for your current business models?

Developments in the field of sustainability are moving at the speed of light. The changing and future standards and guidelines will always lead to a reconsideration of your strategy. During the course, ample attention is paid to relevant international standards, guidelines, (emerging) legislation, and current trends.

After this course, you will have up-to-date knowledge about how you can turn sustainability challenges into opportunities for your organization and how you can manage the accompanying risks.

What will you learn as a (future) Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO)?

As a (future) Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) you are confronted with numerous dilemmas, but also with opportunities. For example, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) provide clear frameworks for transforming into a sustainable organisation. You are also required to include non-financial information in your reporting. During the course, therefore, much attention is paid to sustainability reporting, compliance, and audit with an extensive explanation of, among other things, the EU Taxonomy, SDFR, CSRD, TCFD and the Climate Agreement. In addition, the consequences for understanding our impact on the supply chains and developing formal internal structures are being discussed. For an overview of all topics that are covered, please examine the curriculum.

After this course, you can make informed decisions about how to use sustainability as a building block for your strategy and to translate your strategy into actions.

For whom is this Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) course relevant?

The Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) course is of strategic and practical importance for all professionals involved in drawing up, implementing, and reporting on the organization's sustainability policy. We are thinking of (future) CSOs, CEOs, CROs, CIOs, CFOs, controllers and other finance professionals and their internal and external advisors, such as internal and external accountants, auditors, risk managers, compliance officers, policy analysts, (company) lawyers, investor relations managers, HR managers, business/product development managers, quality managers, marketing managers, communication managers, PR managers, environmental managers and supply chain managers.

The course is also important for investors and asset managers, such as banks, insurance companies, private equity companies, pension funds, and regulators.


You will receive a Personal Certificate at the end of the course.


Your headtrainer is a (international) sustainability expert.

Vincent van Assem MSc
Vincent van Assem is the owner of VADASU, an organization that is fully dedicated to strategic sustainability advice and its implementation in the business and financial sector. Prior to that, he held various (international) management positions at ABN AMRO, including Sustainable Development Manager for more than 10 years. Vincent is also affiliated with Hogeschool InHolland, an esteemed Dutch college, as a lecturer in 'Sustainable Finance'.

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The Chief Sustainability Officer course takes place near Amsterdam. Class times are from 09:00 in the morning to 17:00 hrs. in the afternoon.

Start date

6 + 7 + 11 + 12 + 13 November 2024


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Event details
Organizer :IMF Academy
Event type :Training Course
Attendance :Physical Event
Reference :ASDE-24847